15 Product Designer Interview Questions with Sample Answers

Dive into our curated list of Product Designer interview questions complete with expert insights and sample answers. Equip yourself with the knowledge to impress and stand out in your next interview.

Phil from 4 day week
6 min readSep 20, 2023

1. Can you describe your approach to user-centric design?

The interviewer wants to know if you can effectively incorporate user needs and preferences into your design process. Your understanding of user-centric design should go beyond mere user interface and should cover aspects like user research, personas, user journey maps, usability testing, and so on.

User-centric design for me starts with a deep understanding of the end user. I typically initiate the process with user research, including interviews and surveys to gather insights about user needs and preferences. I then create detailed personas and user journey maps to visualize how different types of users might interact with the product. This information guides my design decisions as I iterate on concepts and prototypes. I also prioritize usability testing with real users to validate assumptions and refine the design.

2. Can you discuss a time when you had to make a decision that went against user feedback?

This question is aimed at understanding your ability to balance user feedback and business objectives. It’s crucial to demonstrate that you can make tough decisions when necessary and can support your choices with valid reasons.

In one project, user feedback suggested adding numerous features for our app. However, we had to consider our resources and timeline. So, instead, we focused on enhancing the existing features and ensuring a robust core functionality. We communicated this to users transparently and clarified that their suggestions were in our future plans. This decision resulted in a more stable product that delivered on its core promise and improved user satisfaction.

3. How do you handle feedback and criticism on your designs?

The interviewer is looking for signs of your emotional intelligence and communication skills. Show that you can accept criticism positively and use it to improve your work.

I view feedback as an essential part of the design process. It’s a chance for me to see my work from a different perspective and identify potential improvements that I may have missed. I appreciate constructive criticism and use it as a valuable learning tool to refine my designs further. Of course, it’s important to discern which pieces of feedback will truly enhance the design and which may not be as useful.

4. Could you talk about a project where you applied design thinking?

This question probes your understanding and application of design thinking principles. Show how you empathize with users, define problems, ideate solutions, prototype designs, and test your solutions.

In a project to revamp our website, we applied design thinking throughout. We started by empathizing with users through interviews and surveys, understanding their pain points with the current site. This helped us define the problem — the website was not intuitive and had outdated information. We then brainstormed solutions, created wireframes and prototypes, and conducted user testing. The feedback allowed us to refine the design, ultimately leading to a more user-friendly, updated website.

5. How do you stay updated on the latest design trends and technologies?

This question assesses your commitment to continuous learning and adaptability. Highlight the resources you use to keep up-to-date and how you incorporate new knowledge into your work.

I regularly follow design blogs like Smashing Magazine and Medium’s UX Collective. I also participate in design communities like Behance and Dribbble to see what other Designers are working on. Moreover, I attend webinars, workshops, and design conferences whenever possible to learn new tools and techniques. These learnings not only keep me updated but also inspire me to try new approaches in my own work.

  1. How do you handle disagreements with stakeholders during the design process?

Interviewees should demonstrate diplomacy, effective communication, and collaboration skills when answering this question. It’s essential to convey that you value feedback while prioritizing the user’s needs and the project’s goals.

Whenever I face disagreements, I first ensure to listen actively. I believe in backing my design decisions with user research and data. Presenting prototypes or A/B test results can often shed light on the best approach. Ultimately, it’s a collaboration, and finding common ground is key.

7. How do you ensure the design aligns with the brand and its values?

Highlight your ability to internalize brand guidelines and how you incorporate them seamlessly into your designs. Stress the importance of consistency across the user experience.

I start by deeply understanding the brand’s guidelines, history, and values. My designs aim to resonate with these elements while ensuring the user experience remains fluid. Regular check-ins with the branding team also ensure alignment.

8. What strategies do you employ to stay updated with design trends?

This question aims to understand your dedication to continuous learning. Emphasize how staying updated benefits the products you design.

I regularly attend design conferences, webinars, and workshops. Additionally, I’m an active member of several design communities online. By constantly learning, I can innovate and prevent our designs from becoming outdated.

9. Describe a project where the user feedback significantly changed your design direction.

Through this, interviewers want to see your flexibility and how you incorporate user feedback into your design process.

On a recent project, initial designs were well-received internally. However, user testing revealed some major usability issues. I had to re-think certain design elements, which, although aesthetically pleasing, were causing confusion. The revised designs improved user engagement drastically.

10. How do you approach designing for accessibility?

Showcase your commitment to inclusive design. Discuss tools and strategies you use to make products more accessible.

I always aim to adhere to WCAG guidelines in my designs. Tools like contrast checkers and screen readers aid in testing. I believe in creating designs that cater to everyone, ensuring the product is usable and delightful for all.

11. How do you measure the success of your designs?

Your answer should emphasize a data-driven approach, aligning design success with both user satisfaction and business goals.

Success isn’t just a beautiful design but one that meets user needs and business objectives. I rely on analytics, user feedback, and conversion metrics to measure the efficacy of my designs.

12. How do you handle tight deadlines and maintain design quality?

Highlight your organizational skills, ability to prioritize, and how you manage stress while keeping the user at the center.

I break down the project into smaller tasks and prioritize based on importance and deadlines. Regular feedback loops with the team ensure we’re on track, and I’m never hesitant to ask for clarity or assistance when needed.

13. Describe a challenging design problem you faced and how you overcame it.

This is a chance to showcase your problem-solving skills and the depth of your design expertise.

In a past project, users were dropping off a checkout flow due to its complexity. Through user research, I identified the pain points and restructured the flow, simplifying the steps and making it more intuitive. Post-redesign, conversions increased by 25%.

14. How do you handle feedback that you don’t agree with?

Your response should showcase maturity, collaboration, and the ability to see the larger picture.

Feedback is an opportunity for growth. Even if I don’t initially agree, I take time to understand the perspective behind it. Open discussions often lead to even better solutions that satisfy both user needs and feedback concerns.

15. How do you ensure consistency in design across multiple platforms or devices?

Discuss the tools and processes you employ to ensure a seamless user experience regardless of where the user interacts with the product.

I rely on design systems and pattern libraries that serve as a single source of truth. Regular collaboration with developers ensures that designs are implemented consistently across platforms, ensuring users have a consistent and familiar experience.

This article was originally posted on 4 day week — jobs with a four day workweek. Get a job with a better work-life balance.

