15 Full Stack Developer Interview Questions (2023)

Dive into our curated list of Full Stack Developer interview questions complete with expert insights and sample answers. Equip yourself with the knowledge to impress and stand out in your next interview.

Phil from 4 day week
7 min readSep 20, 2023

1. Can you explain the difference between CSS Grid and Flexbox?

Understanding the differences between CSS Grid and Flexbox is essential when designing responsive layouts. Both are powerful tools for arranging elements on a webpage, but their use cases and capabilities differ significantly.

Grid is a two-dimensional layout system, making it perfect for creating complex and precise layouts. It’s particularly useful when you need to align items along both rows and columns. On the other hand, Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout system, ideal for distributing items along a single row or column. It’s great for smaller scale layouts where you need to control the alignment, direction, order, or size of boxes.

2. What is the purpose of JavaScript closures and can you provide an example?

Closures are fundamental to JavaScript and mastering them is an important step towards becoming a proficient Developer. Closures allow a function to access all the variables, as well as other functions, that are in scope when the function is defined.

A closure is essentially a function bundled with its lexical environment. Closures in JavaScript are used for data privacy and to create function factories. For example, you could use a closure to create different ‘instances’ of a function with different settings: function makeSizer(size) { return function() { document.body.style.fontSize = size + 'px'; }; } var size12 = makeSizer(12); var size14 = makeSizer(14); var size16 = makeSizer(16);

3. How would you handle a situation where your application’s RESTful API needs to be accessed by different types of clients?

Dealing with diverse clients is a common challenge when designing RESTful APIs. It’s important to be able to deliver data in a flexible and client-friendly way.

I would use content negotiation. The client can specify the desired data format in the Accept header of the HTTP request. Available formats could include XML, JSON, or more specialized formats. The server will then deliver the representation of the resource in the requested format.

4. What is the difference between == and === in JavaScript?

Understanding the difference between these two comparison operators is crucial for writing correct and efficient JavaScript code. This also demonstrates knowledge of JavaScript’s type coercion.

The double equals operator (==) in JavaScript is a loose equality operator. It compares two values for equality after performing any necessary type conversions. The triple equals operator (===) is a strict equality operator. It only considers values equal if they are of the same type and have the same value.

5. Can you explain how this keyword works in JavaScript?

Understanding this keyword is crucial in JavaScript, as it behaves differently than in other programming languages. It's used in different contexts, like object methods or event handlers.

In JavaScript, this is a special variable that’s created for every execution context (every function). It gives you access to the context in which the function was called. The value of this depends on how a function is called - it can refer to an object that owns the method (in case of object methods), to the document's window object (in global scope), or to the element that is currently being handled by an event handler.

6. How do you handle CORS issues in a single-page application?

When approaching this question in an interview, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of both the problem CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) aims to solve and the mechanisms used to address it. Demonstrating knowledge about browser security and the same-origin policy will help frame your answer effectively.

CORS is a security feature implemented by web browsers that ensures web pages make AJAX requests only to their own domain. To handle CORS issues in single-page applications, I usually set up the server to include appropriate headers like Access-Control-Allow-Origin. If the backend is not under my control, I might use a proxy server to mediate requests or rely on JSONP for getting data, though it's less secure and flexible than CORS.

7. Explain the importance of containerization in Full Stack Development.

A solid answer to this question should reflect an understanding of both the practical and strategic advantages of containerization in modern software deployment and development practices.

Containerization, with tools like Docker, allows developers to package an application with all its required dependencies into a consistent environment. This means that the application can run reliably across various computing environments. It promotes microservices architecture, simplifies scaling, and accelerates continuous integration and deployment pipelines.

8. How do you ensure security in a RESTful API?

Highlighting best practices and the inherent vulnerabilities of APIs will showcase a comprehensive understanding of the security landscape.

To ensure security in a RESTful API, I adhere to several practices. Firstly, I use HTTPS to encrypt data in transit. I implement strong authentication and authorization mechanisms, like JWT or OAuth. Additionally, I sanitize inputs to protect against SQL injection attacks and consistently use parameterized queries. Regularly auditing and patching the system helps detect and fix potential vulnerabilities.

9. Describe the difference between vertical and horizontal scaling and when you might choose one over the other.

A well-structured response to this question should explain the fundamental differences between the two scaling strategies and the context in which each is beneficial.

Vertical scaling involves adding more resources (like RAM or CPU) to an existing machine, while horizontal scaling means adding more machines to the system. Generally, vertical scaling is simpler and requires less change in architecture. However, there’s a physical limit to how much you can scale up a single server. Horizontal scaling, on the other hand, offers more flexibility and is ideal for cloud environments. It does require a distributed system architecture and might introduce complexity in data consistency and communication.

10. How do you manage state in a large-scale React application?

Emphasizing the challenges posed by state management and the tools or patterns available to address them is key to answering this question effectively.

In large-scale React applications, local component state doesn’t suffice. I use libraries like Redux or Context API to manage global state. Redux provides a single source of truth, making the state predictable and debugging easier. Middleware like redux-thunk or redux-saga can handle asynchronous actions. For side effects and to make the application more maintainable, I often integrate tools like Reselect for memoization.

11. Describe a time when you had to optimize the performance of a slow-loading web application.

Talking about performance optimization showcases an understanding of both diagnosing problems and implementing solutions.

In one of my projects, users complained about slow-loading times. I began by using browser dev tools to profile and pinpoint bottlenecks. The main issues were large images and several blocking JavaScript and CSS files. I optimized images, implemented lazy loading, and split code to load only necessary chunks initially. Additionally, I utilized a CDN for faster content delivery to users across different regions.

12. What is the role of a service worker in web development?

This question checks the candidate’s knowledge about progressive web apps and offline-first design.

A service worker acts as a proxy between a web application and the network. It’s a script running in the background, separate from the web page. Service workers enable features like push notifications and background sync. One of their primary roles is to cache resources, allowing for offline functionality and faster subsequent loads.

13. How do you prioritize tasks in a large-scale project with tight deadlines?

Talking about prioritization showcases not just technical skills, but also project management and team collaboration capabilities.

Prioritization in large projects requires a mix of technical judgement and business acumen. I often start with the “MoSCoW” method (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won’t have) to categorize tasks. Engaging with stakeholders and understanding the project’s goals is essential. It’s also important to continuously reassess priorities, especially in agile environments, and communicate effectively with the team to ensure alignment.

14. Describe the main differences between SQL and NoSQL databases. When would you prefer one over the other?

A comprehensive answer to this question demonstrates a solid grasp of modern database architectures and their application scenarios.

SQL databases are relational, using structured schema and fixed data models. They excel at complex queries and are ACID compliant. NoSQL databases, on the other hand, are non-relational and can have varied data models like document, key-value, graph, or columnar. They scale horizontally and are ideal for large volumes of rapidly changing data. For transactional applications requiring structured data and complex queries, I’d go with SQL. For high scalability and flexible schema needs, like in big data or real-time applications, I’d choose NoSQL.

15. How do you handle errors and exceptions in a full-stack application?

Addressing this question requires a two-fold understanding: frontend error handling for user experience and backend error handling for system stability.

On the frontend, I ensure errors are gracefully handled by giving the user meaningful feedback, and I employ retry mechanisms for transient issues. Backend errors are logged with detailed context for diagnosis. I use middleware for centralized error handling in frameworks like Express.js. Monitoring tools like Sentry help in real-time error tracking, while proper status codes in API responses aid the frontend in deciding the next steps.

This article was originally posted on 4 day week — jobs with a four day workweek. Get a job with a better work-life balance.

